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about SWTRV Reducer oil

Release Time:2023-03-21      Number of clicks:189

MolywhiteRE-00 grease from Nabosk or Vig-Grease RE0 other precision speed reducer greases of the same grade are recommended for SWTRV decelerators. The use or mixing of different types of greases may cause significant reduction in lubrication efficiency or loss of lubrication effect. As a result, the performance and accuracy of the reducer are reduced, affecting the normal use. All SWTRV speed reducers of standard models (except B series) are not filled with grease before delivery. Please add the appropriate grease when installing the speed reducers.

The standard lubrication method of SWTRV reducer is to use grease. In order to give full play to the performance of this machine, it is recommended to use grease. SWTRV reducer is not filled with grease when it leaves factory. Therefore, be sure to fill grease with an oil injector according to the required filling amount before use. (When using the oil injection gun, please set it below 0.03Mpa.) The amount of injection required in the reducer will vary slightly depending on the mounting direction of the reducer. The following figures show the amount of grease necessary to be injected into the reducer in each installation direction and the scope of its objects. Note: The space for shaft side installation and motor side installation is not included. If there is any extra space, please fill the space with grease.

However, overfilling may result in high internal pressure, which may cause oil seal loss or grease leakage. Therefore, ensure that the excess space occupies about 10% of the space capacity. (Reference: allowable internal pressure 0.03Mpa (normal operation), specific gravity: 0.9g/cc)

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